Wovoka's Truth Academy

Wovoka's Truth Academy 
Private School 
Excellence In, Excellence out

Based on Leadership Education principles, Wovoka's Truth Academy (WTA) provides the opportunity of home-based education guided by your child's desire for learning.

"Every child deserves an education to match their mission, 
the world deserves them to have an education to match their mission."
~Rachel DeMille
Within each child is greatness and genius. All they need is space, time, and gentle guidance to find it. To realize they have a purpose and mission that only they can fulfill inspires a desire to learn. Education is a natural process given the right environment. 
In a world that focuses more on numbers rather then an individual, more and more families are feeling the need to bring their children home. To take the role of giving their children the best opportunity to learn and grow in a way the develops the child. Often parents are hesitant because they know what they want but not how to get there. WTA offers this guidance and the umbrella to allow families to gain their education as they desire, and not how someone else dictates. A child's mind is a fragile, yet powerful tool, and parents want more of a say in how that child's mind develops. 

 How WTA Works

WTA offers the availability of learning at home, in the way the parent feels best for their family, at the pace the child determines.  Here is a basic breakdown of being enrolled in WTA;
  • Mentoring the Parent - your choice of weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly guidance in mentoring your children based on their individual developmental phase.
  •  Attendance and Records - We provide you with easy to fill out forms to keep track of what your child is learning each day that you will submit each week.
  • Flexible Pricing 
 You not Them, Classics not Textbooks, Quality not Quantity, Simplicity not Complexity, Inspire not Require, Mentors not Professors, Structure Time not Content.

